10 Ways To Upgrade Your Style And Confidence
We all know that one man who always looks great and walks into a room look cool and confident. It’s the man all that ladies want to be with, and the one other guys would love to be. Have you ever looked at such a man and wondered what his secret is? What sets him apart from other men?
Most of the time it’s call about confidence. It sounds simple enough, but overcoming a lack of confidence can be complicated. You can change your style and look like a different person, but without the confidence to back it up, you may feel like there is still something missing.
Bringing your style and confidence to new levels is possible for anyone. Yes, even you. If you feel your style needs an upgrade and your confidence levels need a boost, we have 10 simple steps to level up your style and confidence and let the real you come out to the surface.
Focus On The Good Things
The absolute first thing you need to do is stop focusing on the negatives. This applies to your perceived shortcomings and whatever is going on in your life. Accept that nobody is perfect and we all have things in our lives we’d like to change. You also need to understand that there will always be some things we can’t change so stop wasting precious time and energy worrying about them.
Switch your focus the good things in your life. Look around you and you’ll definitely be able to see some things that are great in your life – family, friends, and a comfortable home, etc. They might not seem like much, but that’s only because you aren’t seeing them for the amazing things they are.
Now that you’ve opened your eyes to the wonderful world around you, look at yourself. What are your best features? What are your best personality traits? Your friends and family think you’re pretty cool, so look in the mirror and try to see what they see.
Define Your Own Style
If you want to be a more attractive man, you need to stop looking at the men around you and bring out the best of your own style. The biker jacket and faded jeans might look awesome on the guy you see at the gym, but does it work for you? You don’t have to look like a rebel or dress in a three piece suit to look good. You need to define your own style and this usually what suits your personality as well. Also make a clear distinction between the clothes you wear to work and the ones you wear when you go for drinks with your mates.
Style isn’t just about clothes. Accessories are also important. Yes, even for men. Watches are a great way to show the world you’re a man with style and it looks so much better than checking your phone for the time every three minutes. The right sunglasses will also do wonders for your look and never pull out a worn out wallet. Even if you don’t have a lot of money, a simple, yet sleek looking minimal wallet will at least give you the impression that you are in control of your finances.
Practice Good Grooming
Your image is about your entire persona and involves everything from hairstyles, beard types and even the cologne you wear. Just remember that scruffy and unkempt is never a good look. Take a look at some grooming tips that include an easy to maintain hairstyle. Avoid walking around with a 5 o’clock shadow. It looks like you didn’t bother with anything when you woke up in the morning. If you do like to leave a beard, make sure you don’t let it overgrow into a messy bush. Keep it neat and trimmed for a debonair look. While you’re paying attention to your grooming, don’t forget your hands and nails. Make sure your hands are always clean and your nails trimmed by using a good manicure set. Never leave the house with gunk under your nails. It looks nasty and gives the impression that you lack the principles of basic hygiene. You don’t have to spend hours to look good but everyone has 10 minutes to check their appearance and look sharp.
Be Adventurous
Being adventurous doesn’t mean you need to start jumping out of airplanes or swimming with sharks. It can simply be a matter of trying something new and exotic for lunch instead of your usual sandwich. Doing the same thing every day is boring and the quickest was to get yourself into a rut. Think of a hamster in a wheel. The wheel keeps turning, but the hamster isn’t going anywhere.
The real trick to being adventurous is getting out there and enjoying life. Take up a new sport, visit different restaurants and bars or travel to new places. You’ll find each new experience uplifting and this will make you a lot happier. That happiness will do wonders for your confidence and the smile on your face will make you a more interesting and approachable person.
Clean Out Your Closet
Cleaning out your closet is something you should be doing a couple of times a year anyway, but while you’re at it, take a closer look at the clothes you have. How do some of those clothes make you feel when you wear them? Do you think you still look good in some of them? While you’re sorting through your wardrobe, throw out anything that doesn’t suit your style. You should also throw out anything that looks worn out or stained. It’s okay to keep a couple of these pieces if you need them for yard work but get rid of anything drab. Clearing out the clutter is a great way to boost your style and your confidence. You’ll have shed the clothes that don’t suit your new style and you’ll have achieved a task that most people don’t enjoy. As an added bonus you’ll also make room for clothes that fit into the new look you’re wanting to achieve.
Pay Attention To Your Health
It’s hard to feel confident and positive when you don’t feel well. If you’re constantly overtired from a lack of sleep or feeling bloated from eating too much of the wrong foods, you’re going to feel it on the inside and it will show on the outside. It’s not a problem to eat a whole pizza or a burger with large fries once in a while, just don’t make a habit of it. Also, get into the habit of going to bed a little earlier each night. There is nothing on TV worth staying up for and with many cable TV and internet packages offering entertainment on demand you can watch them at a more suitable time.
Part of improving your health should also include exercise. A few minutes spent each day doing yoga is great for your mind, body and soul. The best part is you can do it at home, or join a yoga class so you can meet new people. If that isn’t your thing, hit the gym. If there isn’t one close to your home, invest in some home gym equipment so you’ll have it on hand to get your daily workout.
Eating well, getting enough sleep and a little bit of exercise each day will make you feel better and you’ll be healthier. Feeling good is the main ingredient to feeling more confident so start taking better care of yourself.
Work On Your Posture
Did you notice the guy sitting slouched in the corner at the party last week? Most likely nobody did. Poor posture makes you look and feel smaller and when it becomes a habit to walk or sit hunched over it almost looks like your trying to hide and it’s definitely not a good look. Work on maintaining a good posture. Lengthen your spine and stand straight and tall. Hold you head high and make eye contact with the people you are speaking with. Once you get into the habit of walking tall, you’ll look and feel more confident with this simple act alone.
Learn To Say No
Are you the man that everyone runs to when they need something? Have you every dropped everything you’re doing to help someone else? Do you have trouble saying no to people because you’re worried about how they’ll react? If you’re nodding your head at this point then it’s time for you to start being more assertive and say NO. Helping your family, friends or work colleagues is normal and it’s also a good thing. But if you find yourself staying back at work late because your colleague needed help with a project look around. Where is that colleague now? Staying late at the office trying to catch up on your own work because you were busy helping your workmate is one thing, but if that same workmate left the office at quitting time then you’re probably feeling like you’ve been taken advantage of. At the very least your workmate should have returned the favor and asked you if you wanted some help to finish your work.
If you frequently find yourself in this type of situation it doesn’t matter if it was a colleague, a friend or a family member. It’s part of human nature to help people, but if you’re constantly helping people and being left high and dry when it’s time for them to return the favor, you’ve got to start saying no. Learning to say No will be difficult at first because you don’t want the people around you to be angry or stop liking you. You need to put a value on yourself and your time and the people that are important in your life will understand. Those that don’t aren’t really worth your time.
Don’t Dwell On The Past
Life is all about making mistakes. Some are obviously bigger than others but without exception everybody makes mistakes. Walk away from the woulda, coulda, shoulda mentality. That doesn’t mean you need to forget the past, just don’t dwell on it. Think of your past mistakes as an education in life. If you recognize it as a mistake and you’ve made steps to avoid making the same mistake again, then why let it become an obstacle in your present and future? Also, don’t let anyone else use your past as a weapon. If someone you know keeps bringing up a past mistake they’re doing so intentionally to make you feel bad about yourself. Ask them why they keep bringing up your past mistakes and if you don’t like their answer, relegate them to the past as well.
Stay Away From Negative People
Negative people have an eerie ability to drain all the positive vibes out of a room. They seem to be able to find a problem for every solution instead of the other way around. They are also masters at the seemingly innocent, but thinly veiled insults and put-downs. You may have gotten a promotion at work or you’ve managed to lose some weight and you’re feeling good about yourself. Along comes the negative person and with one sentence they shatter your confidence and make you second guess yourself. Whenever possible, stay away from negative people. You don’t need this constant cloud over your head raining on your parade and putting down everything you do.
With the right clothes and a positive attitude you can make some great changes in your life and level up your style and confidence. Just remember that what you do is for you, and you alone. The minute you start doing things for the approval of others you start to lose a piece of yourself and over time it shows. Your confidence comes from within you and is boosted by the positive things in your life and your personality. Walk tall and face the world with a smile.