Is Grape-Seed Oil Safe?
Yes. It’s the skin and pulp of the grape that can pose a risk to pets, especially dogs. Grape-seed oil is safe for dogs. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), there is no data indicating risks to dogs from grape-seed extract or oil.
Natural pet food stores have been selling grape-seed oil as an anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory treatment for dogs (and cats) for years. But for some people seeking CBD products for dogs, the ingredient grape-seed oil may raise red flags.
Well, don’t be alarmed. Many companies selling CBD-infused products formulated to reduce inflammation for pets sometimes include grape-seed oil as well. Green Lotus Hemp makes a great full-spectrum hemp oil tincture that also contains grape-seed oil.
In fact, there’s even research indicating that grape-seed extract may help mitigate coronary disease in dogs. Just keep your dog away from grapes and raisins. And chocolate for that matter, CBD-infused or not!
Why Do CBD Brands Use Grape-Seed Oil?
Grape-seed oil is an effective “carrier oil.” Its thinner viscosity dilutes the thicker, pastier hemp oil. CBD brands incorporate carrier oils like this to provide tinctures and other products with a nice, easily measurable consistency. Coconut oil (or MCT) is another similar carrier oil used in pet and human CBD preparations.
For dogs and cats, grape-seed oil has multiple benefits as a nutritional supplement. So when you see it on the label of a CBD product, feel confident that it’s a positive attribute.