Coffee Brewing Methods
Coffee is a wonderful thing. Whether you love it for its rich flavor or simply need it for a morning kick, there are so many ways to enjoy it.
Within this guide, we will be establishing the top 10 different coffee brewing methods that will be sure to change the way you go about your day. Prepare for tastes like never before…
1. Instant Mix
Instant coffee is a popular favorite amongst those in need of a quick morning fix. Although it may not provide the most luxurious taste, instant mix coffee gets straight to the point and will deliver you a caffeine-fuelled brew within minutes.
To keep your instant mix coffee fresh, store the granules in an airtight container and keep them away from bright light. When you’re ready for a cup of instant mix coffee, simply scoop your desired amount into your mug and add boiling water. If black coffee isn’t your thing, then add a splash of milk. Simple!
2. Espresso Brew
With help from a coffee machine, you can get a perfect shot of espresso brew within seconds. An espresso brew involves pressurizing a tiny amount of boiling water through finely ground coffee beans – the taste might not be as bitter, but it will still be incredibly strong.
Of course, little work is required on your behalf when creating an espresso brew. All that you need to do is pop the right coffee pods into the machine and let it work its magic.
3. Use Chemex
The Chemex is a popular option for those who wish to make multiple perfect cups of coffee at the same time. It is a beautiful coffee machine that requires very little maintenance. It comes with a thick filter which you simply need to wet before adding coffee grounds. From here, the coffee will begin to brew… it really is that simple!
4. French Press
The French Press brewing method is typically used in traditional coffee shops. The French Press method takes slightly longer to brew, but the flavor which comes from it makes all the waiting worth it. All that you need to do is acquire a French Press machine, add your coffee grounds and boiling water, and slowly press the lever down to separate the grounds. From here, you’ll be left with a distinctive taste that is tricky to produce via other methods.
5. Cold Brew
Drinking coffee can turn into quite the challenge in the hotter months, but luckily, iced coffee is just as wonderful. To achieve this, the cold brew method comes into play. The cold brewing method is very similar to the French Press method, however this time around, cold water is used instead of hot. This is another time-consuming method, however if you prefer sweeter cups of coffee, the wait will once again be worth it. If you like this method, be sure to invest in a cold brew coffee maker.
6. Nitrous Coffee
Nitrous coffee is not for the faint hearted. It is a cold coffee which has been charged with nitrogen in order to give off a power powerful, creamier taste. Although not wise to drink multiple cups a day, having a small dose of nitrous coffee will be enough to give you the pick me up you need!
7. Aero Press
The aero press somewhat resembles a syringe and is considered to be a novelty brewing method. The aero press is a pretty impressive looking device, and one which people can’t wait to get their hands on. As you push the syringe through the press, it put pressure on filter and passes the coffee into the cup.
8. Percolating
Coffee percolators used to be all the rage in the early 1970s. However, as times have changed and technology has advanced, they’ve grown out of fashion.
Although not as popular as other methods, percolating is still an excellent coffee brewing method, especially if you like to have control over strength. A coffee percolator is a type of pot that circulates boiling water through the coffee grounds; you have complete control over when to stop the water circulating (this will all depend on the strength you require).
9. Siphon
The Siphon coffee brewing method is one for all the science lovers out there. Although the apparatus may team together to look like a crazy experiment, the end result will provide you several cups of coffee. When brewing via this method, the heated water is forced up towards the coffee grounds, just before it gets pulled back down to create a mellow taste.
10. Pour Over
Last, but by no means least, we have the simple ‘pour over’ coffee brewing method. This method requires a cone filter, coffee grounds, hot water and a cup. It really is that simple!
The pour over method does exactly what is says on the tin. Simply fill the cone filter up with your grounds and pour hot water through the top. From here, your freshly brewed coffee will seep through the filter and fill your cup.
Coffee Terminology: The important Bits
Now that you’re full of coffee brewing knowledge, it’s time to learn some common coffee terminology. These two terms will come up often in the world of coffee, so they’re worth knowing:
Coffee Pods: Coffee pods are the coffee equivalent of tea bags. To put it simply, coffee pods are small sachets of coffee which can either be applied directly to water or put into a coffee pod machine.
Coffee Drip: A coffee drip occurs when water slowly drips through ground coffee. Although not a set-in-stone brewing method, you will find that a coffee drip occurs in many of the brewing methods listed in this guide.
Are You Ready To Enjoy Many Remarkable Tastes?
With these top 10 brewing methods in mind, you are more than ready to enjoy the many tastes of coffee. Whether you have a favorite or would prefer to try them all, we can guarantee that you’ll never have a dull cup of coffee again.
Be sure to let us know what your favorite coffee brewing method is – we’d love to hear about unique ones which haven’t been mentioned!